Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Quote #1

Racism is a bitch. I mean white people you gotta know. It fucks you up, but what it does to black people is a bitch. Because no matter—it’s hard enough being a human being. It’s really fucking hard enough just to be that. Just to go through everyday life without murdering a motherfucker is hard enough. Just to walk through life, decent as a person. But here another element is added to it when you black. Motherfuckers got that little edge on us. It’s enough to make you crazy. Is if you are in an argument with another man, he maybe white, but it’s man on man for a minute and shit get rough, he end up calling you “Nigger!” You got to go “Ah shit. Fuck. Now I ain’t no man no more. Nigger now. I gotta argue with that shit. Fucked my balance all off now.”

But it’s an ugly thing. I hope someday they give it up.

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